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And now I have a new build buddy. My lovely wife Linda has decided if she is ever going to fly N202VB, she is going to have to get hands on with it. As the first task with Linda's renewed involvement, we are working on the brakes.

I made a couple of mistakes. First I thought I would upgrade to a harder tubing to make it more robust; and I also used 1/4" tubing, when 3/16" would be the expected size. Those decisions made the tubing soooo much more difficult to handle. Also, I had to use AN4 fitting, making everything take more space. I just didn't think about the pressures used in the retract system, which requires much higher pressures than the brake system. We build the retract plumbing with soft tubing and it is not a problem. Oh well. I am where I am.

Here we have put the hard lines down the side of the keel. This is making the decision to develop wire-ways alongside the keel and use the side channels for just the big battery cables and the engine/prop control cables.

11/10/2010   Picture 97

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